I've been there, where this Mother was standing. . .
Learning that God loves me. . . in the good and the bad times . . . the decisions, stories, and thoughts that have gotten me through. . .
When the going gets hard, we all have something we want to return to. . .we all have our Egypt.
Egypt is where the melons and the cucumbers are. . .life is easier there. . .yes, there are taskmasters, but we don’t have to think too hard about it, we can just go about our daily agenda, without too much thought or effort.
I could just go work at the church Lord. . .and be spoon fed Your Word on a regular basis. . .I wouldn’t need to go to all this effort on my own.
But out here in the desert. . .Lord, I’m all by myself out here. . .this relationship is turning in to hard work. . .what are You thinking? Are you sure this is what You wanted me to do. . .cause it sure would be easier to go back to what I was doing before. . .seriously.
I’ve committed now Lord. . .You are stuck with me in this forever relationship. . .with all my whining and crying, and wanting my own way. . . wanting this desert experience to be over already!
I won’t return the way I came. . . I know there are better things ahead. . . I’m sure my Promised Land is just over the next horizon. . .right?
My prayer is that we will always remember. . .You are always right on time. . . in Jesus Name. . .
God really is in control, and just like Mom and Dad knew what was best for you growing up, God knows what is best for you now.
So. . .will you listen and obey, or will you rebel as you did with Mom and Dad. .
What kind of predicaments did those decisions get you in then. . .and what are the consequences going to be now. . .
It's worth thinking about. . .
My prayer is to not only know that God is in control, but to accept that His ways are not my ways. . .
Lord, I know that You know my future. . .and though you will not force my decisions, if I will listen to Your still small voice. . .and allow You to direct my paths. . .everything will be so much easier. . .in Jesus Name!