Saturday, October 29, 2011

Are YOU a Missionary?

I know that we are each called “according to His purpose,” and that our goal should be to discover what “His purpose” for our lives might be.
Now I certainly have never felt that I was called to be a missionary, but the subject came up again in my morning study. . .(Into His Marvelous Light by Oswald Chambers) and as always when the subject comes up, it just doesn’t leave my brain for the rest of the day.
Perhaps the reason it lingered so long today is that my beautiful sister in law is leaving for Haiti in a couple of weeks on a missions trip with her church, or perhaps the Lord has something he would like me to understand about my mission.
That is where I find myself, so without going into the whole long definition of missionary, I will say that I liked this explanation the best. . .a young couple with a “mission” to share Jesus with others.
How much more difficult could it be.  After all, shouldn’t that ultimately be our “mission?”  Not to share what we believe about Jesus, but to actually share the experience of Jesus. . .and allow others to decide for themselves what they believe.
My prayer is that I will be on a “mission” to share the marvelous love of Jesus wherever I go. . .and whatever I do. . .in Jesus Name. . .amen!


  1. You just began your mission with this blog! We are all part of a missionary. As you like Christ! What a challenge that is for me. What did Paul say...I do what I don't want to do, and don't do what I want to do. That defines me!

  2. Thank you for reading my blog FullTimers. . .and what you say is true for me too. . .sometimes I don't do what I know I SHOULD do. . .trying to do better. . .

    Enjoy your travels,
