Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Psalm 23: For His Name Sake

Psalm 23: He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His Name's sake.

When I allow MY Shepherd to lead; there is a predetermined plan of action.

Jer 29:11 (NIV) "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

Our Shepherd has a plan for our lives, if we are willing to be led, but the opposite of that scripture is:

Proverbs 14:12 - There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death

Will we be led by our Shepherd, or will we be stubbornly insistent in going our own way until we reach the precipice?

Which is easier? Broken lives, broken homes, broken families, or, taking up your cross and following your Shepherd, by having a daily devotional, and a time for daily prayer?

Prayer does not always need to be on your knees, travailing before God.  The sweet Presence of God can whisper over you, as you sing the words of a praise chorus. . .or as you gaze at a beautiful, blue sky, with cottony clouds floating by, and marvel at the majesty of God's creation.

My prayer today is: May I see the wonder and majesty of My Shepherd in every breath I breathe. . .may I stop and appreciate the wonder of it all.

My Daily Morning Devotion: My Utmost for His Highest

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Psalm 23: He Restoreth MY Soul

It becomes so easy to believe that because we are under OUR Shepherd's care, all our problems are over.

Not so. 

However, since we are under the Shepherd's care, when we become "cast down" as a sheep does, lying helpless, kicking and struggling, OUR Shepherd will be there to lift us up.

Only when we understand the dilemma of a "cast sheep", can we begin to understand OUR Shepherd's compassion.

My prayer today is, "Lord, when find my wool so long, so matted with cares and entanglements of this world, please bathe me, shear me, save me, prevent me from being cast down with daily cares. . .RESTORE MY SOUL".

Reference: A Shepherd looks at Psalm 23 by W. Phillip Keller

My Daily Morning Devotion: My Utmost for His Highest

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Psalm 23: He Leadeth Me

If I will allow it, MY Shepherd will lead me beside the still waters, He will allow me to drink my fill of the good stuff, crystal clear, icy cold, delicious refreshing water.

Of course as a Christian, I must realize this means drinking of God's Word, filling my thoughts with things of Him, and allowing him to guide my every footstep.

My daily morning devotion, My Utmost for His Highest, states it perfectly today.

When I am stubborn, and, choose to go my own way, I ultimately find myself drinking out of the roadside ditches, and the disease laden mud puddles of the world.

When I follow in MY Shepherds footsteps, and stay within the reach of His arms, my life is enriched by drinking from the still waters He leads me to.

Only the Shepherd knows the eddies and currents beneath the still surface.  He knows exactly how far I can wade out, and as long as I stay within His protection, I will be satisfied.

Just as MY Shepherd knows the dangers lying beneath the still surface, He also know the hidden eddies and currents swirling beneath the surface of my life.  When I lie down, and listen to His still, small voice, He is able to lead me around the danger zones, and into the fullness, and peacefulness of being His child.

My prayer today is that we will not be swept away in the currents of today's pleasures, but that I will keep my eyes on MY Shepherd as He leads me beside the still waters.

Reference :  A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23 by W. Phillip Keller

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Psalm 23: He Maketh Me to Lie Down

In reading A Shepherd's Look at Psalm 23, I am beginning to realize that sheep are very high maintenance animals.  They have a lot of needs and requirements that must be met before they can settle down.

Having been raised in the deep piney woods of East Texas, I have no concept of sheep whatsoever, but now, reading about them once again, from a shepherd's view point, I realize why God compares humans to sheep.

The common theme that I am finding is, that when sheep owners talk about their animals, they say, sheep are the dumbest animals on earth.  They don't have the sense to come in out of the rain.  They are scared of everything.  The shepherd must be there every moment to lead and guide them.  They are totally incapable of taking care of themselves.

Hmmmm. . .does the picture become a little more clear from God's point of view?

So, no wonder I am only at peace when I am in the presence of MY Shepherd, no wonder that when I stray from His Presence, I begin to feel angst and anxiety.

Just being assured of the presence of MY Shepherd causes me to be at peace.  I am able to lie down, and keep still, in His Presence, because I know that MY Shepherd, MY Owner, MY Manager is in control.

I have no need to be fearful, or to be afraid, I can rest in total confidence that God is in charge of my life, and my well being.

2 Timothy 1:7 - For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. 

God did not intend for us to have a spirit of fear.  That is something we allow, when we wander out of His Presence.

As I clicked on Ezekiel 34: 15-16, and 20-22 and read the study notes , once again I realize, I cannot even begin to comprehend the protection God chooses to offer to me, as long as I remain in HIS Presence.

When I lie down in green pastures, when my eyes are on MY Master, then I can be at peace.

My prayer today is, Lord let me see the things that are not like you, that cause me to stray from Your Presence, that cause me to take my eyes off of MY Shepherd.  Speak to me Lord in a still small voice, as I rest in Your Presence.

My Daily Morning Devotion: My Utmost for His Highest

Friday, February 12, 2010

Psalm 23: I shall not Want

It sounds so enticing at first glance.  The Lord is MY Shepherd, I shall NOT Want.

Wow, that must mean that God is just my big old Sugar Daddy, and he's gonna give me everything I ever wanted in life.  After all, he does say He will give me the desires of my heart, right?

But I think there must be more to it than that.  I know, several times in the scripture, God says, "If you will, I will."  What could that possibly mean?

 Do you think that God must have expectations of us?

What are His expectations?  When God says in Jeremiah 29:11, "I know the plans I have for you", do you truly believe it?  Do you search out what His plans are with an open heart, or do you just wander around in your day to day life, waiting for God's blessings to just pour out upon you, with no effort on your part.

You must STUDY His Word.  I'm not talking about reading the Bible each day, and saying, Oh, I've done my duty for the day.  I'm talking about truly STUDYING the Word of God, cross referencing scripture, reading commentary when a particular phrase has meaning.  If YOU will. . .GOD will. . .that is a promise.  He WILL speak to you personally. . .and then you will understand the meaning of "I shall not Want".

My understanding of "I shall not Want", came at two different times in my life.

The first was when, at the age of 23, we lost our twenty month old son in a tragic incident, and I lay across my bed screaming, "Where were you God"?   It seemed as though life would never be worth living again, but guess what?  Life goes on.  None of us will ever be immune to the tragedies of life, but somehow, through our tragedies, God gives us the strength to survive, and to become stronger.

The second understanding came, at the age of 32, when I read a series of books by Frank Peretti entitled, This Present Darkness.  Only then, having been raised on a church pew, did I truly begin to understand the awesome power of God.  A light bulb literally went off, and I began to seek God.

This began my journey of becoming a "prayer warrior", a journey I am still on to this day.  This journey led me to read, A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23 by W. Phillip Keller, as I began preparing a series of lessons for Children's Prayer Class.

Psalm 23

And I truly knew the meaning of "I shall not want", when I read a magazine article describing a young woman who was searching for something, something to fill the hole in her life, a void she could not even explain.  She just knew the hole was there, and that with all of her accomplishments, there was still this huge hole, UNTIL, she discovered prayer.

And that is when I knew.  I knew beyond the shadow of a doubt, the true meaning of, "I shall NOT want".  Having the assurance that God is there, no matter the circumstances, just knowing that God is absolutely in control, gives me a measure of confidence to know, the Lord is MY Shepherd, I shall NOT want.

My prayer today is that each person I come in contact with will want to know who my Shepherd is.

My Daily Morning Devotion: My Utmost for His Highest

The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? Though an army encamp against me, my heart shall not fear; though war rise up against me, yet I will be confident. (Psalm 27: 1, 3)

Thursday, February 11, 2010

When is the Lord Your Shepherd?

Following up on yesterday's thought, my question today is, WHEN is the Lord MY Shepherd?

I find it so easy to say, "Oh yes Lord, YOU are MY Shepherd.", but as I begin reading

A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23
by W. Phillip Keller 

I must begin to honestly question myself.

When is the Lord MY Shepherd?  If I am truly a sheep, and He is my Shepherd, do I truly love to be in His Presence, as the sheep love to be in the Shepherd's Presence, or do I linger at just the outside periphery of the flock?  Do I linger just close enough to feel the Shepherd's Presence, and to stay within the Shepherd's protection, or do I press in close to MY Shepherd?  Close enough to be within the reach of MY Shepherd's arms?

I read this book several years ago as I prepared a series of lessons for Kid's Prayer Class, but now I find myself studying these same pages with a different mind set.

My prayer today is, "Lord, let me be so close to you, that I can lead others into the Presence of the Shepherd.  Don't let me get so busy with my daily life, that when I look up, I find myself on the outer edges of the flock, and then I must work to get myself back into your arms."

MY DAILY MORNING DEVOTION: My Utmost for His Highest

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Is the Lord your Shepherd?

Is the Lord your Shepherd?. . .your manager?. . .your owner? 

Is He really?

Can our minds even begin to comprehend that the God, 
who created  **ALL things,
 really wants to be in charge of us?

HE really does. . .

He want to be in charge of
every tiny aspect of our lives,

and when we comprehend
WHO HE IS. . .

like David,
will say. . .

The Lord. . .HE is MY Shepherd!

My prayer today is that I will become a cherished object of the Most High God, 
and that HE will truly become MY Shepherd, My Manager, MY Owner. 

* A Shepherd looks at Psalm 23 - by Phillip Keller
** Colossians 1:16 - For by him were all things created, that are in the heaven, and that are in the earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers:  all things were created by him, and for him.  KJV

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Are you Exhausted?

Are you exhausted? Just literally worn out?

Do you spend so much time doing things for others, that you have no time for yourself?

If you become tired and worn out from taking care of others, your body has no reserves to fight off illness.  If you continue, eventually your body will begin to shut down, and you will be forced to rest and rejuvenate.

What about spiritual exhaustion?  Are you so busy running around doing God's work that you have no time for your relationship with God?

When do you rejuvenate yourself spiritually?

If you allow yourself to become exhausted spiritually, and you have no reserves to draw on, the enemy will come in like a flood, and shut you down.

Yes, Peter was given the commandment, "feed my sheep", and yes, we must pick up the banner, and go forth, but you can only feed others when you are well fed yourself.

My prayer today is that we will begin to understand that we must rejuvenate ourselves spiritually.  We must develop our personal relationship with God daily.  Only then are we able to pour ourselves out to others.

*Thoughts taken from my daily devotional: My Utmost for His Highest 

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Monday, February 8, 2010

How is your love relationship?

I've discovered a new question.

How is my relationship with God today?

Did I spend any quality time thinking about God, or reading about God, or even just pondering the goodness of God, and the many blessings in my life today?

In my daily schedule, is there a place for God, or am I so busy that He just becomes an afterthought at the end of my day? How can I narrow my own interests, and broaden God's interests?

If what I say to myself is true, and if I understand that my entire purpose for being on this earth is to worship and to magnify my creator, what am I doing on a daily basis to make that happen?

My prayer today, is that, from this day forward, I may begin to intensely concentrate on God's point of view.

*Notes and thoughts taken from my favorite daily devotion: My Utmost For His Highest