Saturday, December 17, 2011

True Friends or Just Acquaintances

As I often told my boys when they were teens, water finds the lowest level. . .and it's the same with friends.

Will you choose friends who will cause you to "lower" yourself to become like them. . .it's very rare to find that "true" friend. . .the one who will hold you to a higher standard. . .who will encourage you to be more than you are. . .

A friend's daughter says it perfectly in her blog post: They're not Healthy for You. . .let 'em go!  I hope you will take a few moments to check out and read her thoughts on the subject.  It has given me pause. . .

I loved the translation of 2 Corinthians 6:17 that she used. . .

The (KJV) King James Version says. . .come out from among them and be ye separate. . .

The (MSG) Message Version says. . .don't link up with those who will pollute you. . .

here is the entire quote from the MSG. . .found here:

2 Corinthians 6:17

The Message (MSG)

14-18Don't become partners with those who reject God. How can you make a partnership out of right and wrong? That's not partnership; that's war. Is light best friends with dark? Does Christ go strolling with the Devil? Do trust and mistrust hold hands? Who would think of setting up pagan idols in God's holy Temple? But that is exactly what we are, each of us a temple in whom God lives. God himself put it this way:

   "I'll live in them, move into them;
      I'll be their God and they'll be my people.
   So leave the corruption and compromise;
      leave it for good," says God.
   "Don't link up with those who will pollute you.
      I want you all for myself.
   I'll be a Father to you;
      you'll be sons and daughters to me."
   The Word of the Master, God.

Wow. . .can it get much more clear than that?

I love when I read something that makes me think. . .and today's thought from Susan Hill aka the bossy Mom definitely made me think. . .thanks Susan, I'm learning a lot from you. . .keep up the good work!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Falling in Love With Jesus: Counting Your Blessings

Blessings proverbs10_6

My sister in law recently returned from a missions trip to a third world country. . .I keep begging her to stop going to these places. . .but God uses those who are willing. . .and she just happens to love it. . .

As I read this article listing 10 Basic Blessings You Should Be Thankful For, I thought of two stories she told us about her trip.

First, they were caught up in the crisis of a baby’s delivery with complications.  Talk about a God thing, one of the ladies in her group was a pediatrician, and the other was a critical care nurse of some sort.  My sis also happens to work in the medical field, so here you have three people who know how to stay calm in an emergency. . .who just happen to be in the right place at the right time.

Here they are delivering an in crisis baby in a tent. . .nothing sterile. . .nothing to tie off the cord, so they used a shoe string. . .nothing to deliver the placenta into. . .so they used a gallon ziploc bag. . .no gloves, no blankets to wrap the baby, who was blue, in. . .can you even imagine being in that situation?
Had that group not been in that exact place, with that exact interpreter, at that exact moment. . .that baby probably would not have survived. 

All I can say is. . .God must have something awesome planned for that child’s life. . .

And then. . .on their “off day,” they decided to go sightseeing to a specific tourist attraction. . .without going in to the details of that experience. . .what caught my attention was the fact that when they forded the river in their open air vehicles. . .she witnessed the women lining the river bed. . .washing their clothes. . .

We are so spoiled and so blessed. . .I cannot even fathom that in the 21st century. . .there are still places in the world that could be so destitute. . .so again, when I read the article, it required me to actually STOP. . .and to be thankful. . .to be really, really thankful. . .

I pray that you will take just one moment to read the article. . .and to just share briefly your thankfulness for God’s many blessings. . .what did we ever do to be this blessed?

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Where were you GOD?

I asked the question and God answered:


I've been there, where this Mother was standing. . .

Oh, it wasn't outside of a surgery unit. . .
No. .
We found ourselves standing outside the PICU. . .
in one of the top rated teaching hospitals in the world. . .
with the lead pediatrician in charge. . .

while our adorable, blonde haired, blue eyed, dimpled,
always smiling little cherub fought for his life. . .
and lost. . .

so yes, I know the agony this mother felt. . .

I was so very, very angry with God. . .oh I held it together in public. . .
everyone commented on how well we were doing. . .

but in the privacy of my own room. . .flinging myself out across my bed. . .
I would scream at God. . .how could you do this to me?. . .


It's not fair. . .it's not fair God. . .
I don't understand. . .
there is nothing you can say to me that is going to make me understand this. . .

but somehow, we survived. . .
we survived the grief, and the agony. . .

somehow our marriage survived. . .
and we kept what was left of our little family intact. . .

and slowly, slowly, began to rebuild a life for ourselves. . .

and God was faithful. . .and his promises were true. . .
and his blessings were abundant.

So many blessings. . .an adopted son who looks so much like us,
you won't be able to tell the difference. . .he is my joy. . .

sometimes I have to call just to hear his voice. . .

and adorable, precious grandchildren. . .four of them. . .nothing compares to one of their hugs. . 

So yes, God was there. . .
do I understand?. . .
NO. . .
but someday I will,

and until that day. . .I will keep pressing toward the mark of the calling of the Most High. . .

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Falling In Love With Jesus–Go With God

Don't Give Up galatians6_9
For we know we are called according to His Purpose. . .II Timothy 1:9

Will you be willing to go with God until His Purpose and your purpose are the same. . .we are so willing to do what we think is right, what we think His Purpose might be. . .but then when He tries to redirect our path. . .we want to balk. . .oh no God, I don’t want to walk down that path. . .I’m not sure where that path leads Lord. . .I like it out here on this path. . .it’s easier to see my own way out here on this path.
Have you ever had that discussion with God?  Oh. . .maybe not out loud. . .after all that would be sac religious to actually say out loud what you may be thinking. . .but. . .in your actions.
What are you saying in your actions?

Abraham was given the instruction, “Take your son, your only son Isaac. . .”

I don’t know God. . .I just can’t imagine you ever expecting me to give up something that precious. . .surely, you would never expect that of ME. . .I mean Abraham. . .well, you know. . .he was just this PATRIARCH. . .this ANCIENT OF DAYS. . .I could never be any of those things God. . .oh God, please, just ask me for something easier. . .yeah, that’s it. . .I could definitely do something easier. . .thank you Lord. . .
Is that what God hears us saying by our actions?

My prayer: God, please let me HEAR your voice, and to be WILLING to follow YOUR directions. . .even when I don’t understand them. . .in Jesus Name. . .

For those of you who enjoy Pentecostal Praise and Worship here is the same song by the Alexandria Tabernacle Choir. . .yes, you can feel the Presence of the Almighty God as you watch this video

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Falling in Love With Jesus: What is Salvation?

It sounds so easy. . .Salvation. . .but really, what is it?

How do you ever decide when you have Salvation?

Salvation - just the beginning - romans6_4

Is it when you realize your life’s not really that great. . .
and you turn to God for a solution?

Salvation - Jesus Inside - galatians2_20

Is it when you realize Christ lives in you. . .
and things need to change?

Salvation - Baptized - acts2_41

Did salvation become real when you were baptized?

Salvation - Growing in God - 1peter2_2-3

or when you realized that you could no longer depend on Sunday School Teachers, parents or your Minister to spoon feed you God’s Word. . .and you began digging deeper on your own?

My prayer is that we will search our hearts. . .and cry out to God to alter our thinking so we will know all He has for each of us. . .
in Jesus Name. . .

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Falling in Love With Jesus: We All Have Our Egypt

When the going gets hard, we all have something we want to return to. . .we all have our Egypt.

Egypt is where the melons and the cucumbers are. . .life is easier there. . .yes, there are taskmasters, but we don’t have to think too hard about it, we can just go about our daily agenda, without too much thought or effort.


I could just go work at the church Lord. . .and be spoon fed Your Word on a regular basis. . .I wouldn’t need to go to all this effort on my own. 

But out here in the desert. . .Lord, I’m all by myself out here. . .this relationship is turning in to hard work. . .what are You thinking?  Are you sure this is what You wanted me to do. . .cause it sure would be easier to go back to what I was doing before. . .seriously.

I’ve committed now Lord. . .You are stuck with me in this forever relationship. . .with all my whining and crying, and wanting my own way. . . wanting this desert experience to be over already!
I won’t return the way I came. . . I know there are better things ahead. . . I’m sure my Promised Land is just over the next horizon. . .right?

My prayer is that we will always remember. . .You are always right on time. . . in Jesus Name. . .

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Falling in Love With Jesus: You Can’t Stop There!

Run To Win_You Cant Stop There_I Corinthians 9_24
The minister’s thought this past Sunday has stuck with me.

As a runner, you are assigned a lane to run in. . .if you step out, or fall out of that lane. . .you are disqualified from the race.

I am so thankful God doesn’t do that to us as we run this spiritual race.  Instead, when we make a mistake, and step over the line, He redirects our steps. . .and gets us back in the lane.

When we stumble and fall by the wayside. . .He picks us up, brushes us off. . .and sets us back on the path. . .
As the minister said. . .In this race, it’s not most important to finish first. . .it’s most important to be sure you finish!

My prayer is that the Lord would order my steps in His Word. . .that I would not stumble and fall by the wayside. . .but that I would continue to strive toward the high calling. . .in Jesus Name. . .

Monday, November 7, 2011

Falling in Love With Jesus–Is HE Really in Control?

Romans 8_28 All Things Work Together

God really is in control, and just like Mom and Dad knew what was best for you growing up, God knows what is best for you now.

So. . .will you listen and obey, or will you rebel as you did with Mom and Dad. .

What kind of predicaments did those decisions get you in then. . .and what are the consequences going to be now. . .

It's worth thinking about. . .

My prayer is to not only know that God is in control, but to accept that His ways are not my ways. . .

Lord, I know that You know my future. . .and though you will not force my decisions, if I will listen to Your still small voice. . .and allow You to direct my paths. . .everything will be so much easier. . .in Jesus Name!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Your Contract With God

james4_8 Come Near To God
I love the New Living Translation of James 4:8
Draw Close to God. . .
and God WILL Draw Close to You. . .

I love that promise. . .
if you will. . .God will. . .
it’s as simple as that.

So. . .will you?
Will you stop long enough to actually be close to God?
You know it’s great to have a relationship with our family. . .
everyone together,
laughing and talking over a great meal,
sharing, and enjoying each other’s company.
That’s a great feeling,
but nothing, absolutely nothing can take the place
 of snuggling on the couch with one of your kids. . .
peaceful, quiet. . .
reading a book, sharing time together. . .

I think God might like that too. . .
just You and me, God. . .
quiet, peaceful. . .
my total concentration is on You God. . .
You’re the only one that matters right now. . .

In those moments with your kids,
 are the times you can tell them how special they are. . .
how perfect they are
(even when you know better, you still think they are perfect)
. . .how wonderful they are
. . .how blessed you are to have them in your life.

Maybe God likes to do the same with His kids. . .
write down the things God tells you in those moments. . .
those fleeting thoughts
when God whispers how special you are. . .
the plans He has for you. . .

Make it a contract. . .
a Mission Statement between you and God
. . .and in those moments that seem like failures
. . .go back and check your Mission Statement
. . .get back on track
. . .remember HIS PROMISES

If you will. . .I will. . .it’s a promise!

My prayer is that you will remember His promise
 to never leave you nor forsake you. . .
to comfort and to protect you.
Thank you Lord
for being an ever present help in our time of need. . .
we are nothing without You.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Are YOU a Missionary?

I know that we are each called “according to His purpose,” and that our goal should be to discover what “His purpose” for our lives might be.
Now I certainly have never felt that I was called to be a missionary, but the subject came up again in my morning study. . .(Into His Marvelous Light by Oswald Chambers) and as always when the subject comes up, it just doesn’t leave my brain for the rest of the day.
Perhaps the reason it lingered so long today is that my beautiful sister in law is leaving for Haiti in a couple of weeks on a missions trip with her church, or perhaps the Lord has something he would like me to understand about my mission.
That is where I find myself, so without going into the whole long definition of missionary, I will say that I liked this explanation the best. . .a young couple with a “mission” to share Jesus with others.
How much more difficult could it be.  After all, shouldn’t that ultimately be our “mission?”  Not to share what we believe about Jesus, but to actually share the experience of Jesus. . .and allow others to decide for themselves what they believe.
My prayer is that I will be on a “mission” to share the marvelous love of Jesus wherever I go. . .and whatever I do. . .in Jesus Name. . .amen!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Running the Race is a Little Overwhelming Sometimes

Horse Animated

For several years I have written and designed Bible Lessons for children.  I have a drawer full of lessons, and notes for lessons.

I am passionate about it. . .messages I hear, songs I listen to, news stories. . .so many things trigger that automatic thought. . .I gotta write that down. . .that would make a great lesson.

Not only am I passionate about writing the lessons, but my heart also grieves for burned out, overwhelmed, under appreciated Children’s Ministry Workers. . .who are doing the very best they know how. . .and yet are left to feel that their efforts always fall a little short. . .so, when we knew were going to travel full time, my eventual goal was to be able to offer encouragement to Children’s Ministry and Youth Ministry Workers along the way.

That is the goal. . .and the desire. . .and yet, when I would begin to work on the plan (read organizing stacks of lessons and notes into some type of order) I would feel so overwhelmed, I would just close the drawer and move on to an easier project. . .

and then, in my morning Bible Study, I read. . .

Hebrews 12:1 let us run with patience (endurance) the race that is set before us.

PATIENCE? are you kidding me Lord. . .I don’t think you really blessed me with very much of that. . .seriously!  I want it done, and I want it done now. . .Oh, and I’d really like it if it could be done my way please. . .there. . .now, that’s better.

OH, I don’t get to do this my way. . .this is an endurance race. . .really?  Cause when I look at that stack in that drawer, it even looks like more endurance than I got. . .actually, it gives me knots in my stomach.

Oh, I need to start at the VERY beginning. . .organization. . .oh, organization I’m really, really good at. . .I’m pretty sure I can do that one. . .

and so it’s gone. . .my discussion with the Lord about this task. . .starting at the beginning. . .building up the muscles. . .spiritual exercise for a different type of race than the one I’m used to running. . .

I have a feeling lots of liniment (prayer) will be involved in this endeavor. . .but here we go. . .got the three ring binder, and the hole punch out. . .step one – organization!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Are you Standing in Your Own Way?

God has a plan
He has a perfect plan
He says it in His Word

 For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, 
"plans to prosper you and not to harm you,
 plans to give you hope and a future.
Jeremiah 29:11 NIV

So, what are God's plans for you?

Do you even know what they are?

Do you ever stop long enough to hear God's plan for you?

God's plan has not changed. . .he knit you together, 
and wired you for a specific mission. . .

"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
 before you were born I set you apart;"
Jeremiah 1:5 NIV

I challenge you to find that mission
To declare that mission. . .

To schedule time in your life to focus on that mission,
with laser beam precision, focus. . .
nothing else matters, 

Only God's Plan for Your Life Matters 

Are you willing to make finding "Your Mission" a priority?  

Listen to Martha Munizzi sing:

Friday, March 11, 2011

The Desire of My Heart

In all my years of working in Children's Ministry, I have always preferred to teach fifth and sixth graders. . .they were old enough to comprehend lessons that were beyond just basics. . .they had great opinions about life. . .and they could do projects by themselves.

I never dreamed I could prefer any other age, until we went to help with a Home Missions Work. . .and as you know. . .when you are just starting out, you work where you are needed. . .so I was asked to work with the teen class.

What a fantastic experience. . .not something I would have ever chosen to do. . .but wow, they were awesome.  About half the class really had no Biblical Training, so we were starting from scratch. . .

No problem.  They were open to discussion. . .they had strong opinions about right and wrong. . .they were more than capable of analyzing a scripture, breaking it down, and basically preaching themselves a sermon with very little input from me.

I was very, very impressed. . .so now as we travel full time, and visit different churches. . .I find myself studying that age group, and I wonder what their take on living for God is?

I wonder if you broke them down into small groups, and mentored them in how to study the Bible, and showed them how Biblical facts tie together. . .I wonder if they could "get it" a lot sooner?

The desire of my heart is to find out the answers to these questions.  Please pray for me as I undertake this journey!

Join me on my new FaceBook Page:  Falling In Love With Jesus. . .each day I try to offer a quick uplifting point. . .whether it be a link to an article, or a beautiful saying. . .I look forward to meeting you there!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Candle Lighting Your Darkness

I love the Women of Faith blog so much that I have it automatically sent to my Google Reader each morning.  That way, I don't need to think about it. . .it's there. . .I can read the thought for the day. . .it only takes a few seconds, and it almost always leaves me contemplating some aspect of my walk with God.  

This morning's thought, Survival Tips, and excerpt from Sandi Patti's book Falling Forward, really caused me to stop and to wonder. . .
I wonder how many have been to that dark, dark place. . .to that place where you seemed so alone. . .where it seemed that no one. . .not even God cared about where you were?  

To a place so dark, there was not even a flicker of a candle shining to give you hope.

Where do you go when you reach that place? 

I thought of my sweet precious, sister in law, who, when her only child was stolen from her by a drunk driver, admitted in her writings, that she was unable to pray for an entire year. . .and yet, finally, finally a glimmer of light began to shine through.  

What is your glimmer?  

What is going to get you through those dark, lonely times?

Is the assurance that God is there, even when He seems, far, far away going to be enough to get you through?  

As the article said, it may take just having a check list to get you through each step of life, until finally you can reach that place where you know that God is there. . .He says, "I will NEVER leave you, nor forsake you."

In our darkest moments, clinging to that promise may be only thing that gets us through.

If you have been to that place, can you offer some hope to others. . .just a glimmer of what got you through?

Join me on my new FaceBook Page: Falling In Love With Jesus.
Everyday, I try to share a quick uplifting link that I have found.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

God Don't Make No JUNK

When I was about twenty-five, a minister spoke directly to me during his sermon when he said, "God loves you, just the way you are."

I don't think I knew that. . .I had heard it, but until that moment, I don't think I believed it.

That one sermon, changed my life, my sense of self worth, and my relationship with God. . .

Don't ever let anyone tell you that you are not worthy, you are a precious jewel, God's treasure. . .I know the plans I have for you. . .God said this about you before you were even born. . .

So you get out there,

You feed your mind on what is pure, and good and holy, and the rest will take care of itself.

Take one moment to renew yourself. . .and your relationship with God. . .you are worth it.

Don't let the desire for perfection be an excuse for never finishing. . .

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